Thursday, August 20, 2009

House Made Of 110 Tons of Steel

Ok, this amazing house is the almost finished Steel House by the artist Robert Bruno. The house build near the city of Lubbock in Texas.
It sits on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the lake. Bruno has been working on this house for almost 3 decades...

The house is a steel cave. Instead of scratching little pieces of stone to enlarge your cave, Robert Bruno welds more steel plates onto his existing dome-structure. While most architecture today is based on the (steel, concrete or wood) frame, Bruno builds his house of domes. The folded, load bearing surfaces so many architects aspire, are here build - by hand.
It weights about 110 tons, Bruno calculated. It is tempting to think with rising steel prices the unbuilt value - the actual material could exceed the value of the project as a piece of art. 110 tons of steel however equals even with today's price only about 30.000 dollars. A car is more expensive than that.


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